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& Foundation Repair

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BT Interior De-Watering Service

Interior De-Watering Services

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Protect your home from a leaky basement and the associated water damage and property damage through the installation of an interior basement waterproofing system.

Interior Waterproofing Service Icon Weeping Tile Drainage System:

Protect your home from a leaky basement and the associated water damage and property damage through the installation of an interior basement waterproofing system provided by Basement Technologies®.

Interior Waterproofing System Illustration (PDF)

Interior De-Watering Service Process:

Remove Walls IF They are Damaged:
In some cases, finished internal walls must be removed. If you have mould damage, you will not want to keep the damaged walls in place since they can cause some serious health problems. In most cases, our crews will remove the studs and drywall 2’-4’ off the wall, but normally walls needs to be completely removed so we can install the dimpled membrane or house wrap. Basement Technologies® will remove and dispose of all materials for you.

Concrete is Removed to Expose the Footing Wall Joint:
Once the entire perimeter is clear, our team will break open a small gap with a jackhammer just large enough to lay down your weeping tile for water drainage. The floor is broken with jackhammers along the perimeter to expose the footing. If the foundation wall is constructed of concrete block, weep holes are drilled to improve drainage.

Drain Pipe Track or Weeping Tile:
A drain pipe or drain track is installed, depending on the footing configuration and soil type, in order to provide drainage for the entire system. We have 3 different methods of drainage: Flat track for footings located close to the floor slab, 3" circular perforated PVC drain pipe for multi level basements (the circular pipe provides integration of non-perforated sections for transitions of elevation), and Cove base for monolithic footing / floor slab pours and for structurally reinforced slabs.

Drainage Membrane is Installed:
A drainage membrane or bond break is installed to provide a path for water to migrate down to the sub-slab drain pipe that has just been installed. We have many different options to perform this function, including Dimpled sheet air-gap membranes, insulating reflective barriers and cove mould. Systems are custom designed to suit each customer's requirements.

Sump Pump Installed:
A sump pump is installed. Since all of the above systems create drainage, the water needs to drain somewhere. The sump pump works by providing a collection basin for the water from both the drain pipes and from under the floor. The sump pump becomes the heart and lungs of any internal system. There are numerous accessory systems that can be integrated into this sump pump system including; window well drains, floor drains and exterior weeping tile drains to name a few. This versatility, again, helps us to custom design a system that suits our customers’ needs and wants. It is recommended that a battery backup (PC-SERIES) unit is installed to ensure pump operation when the power is interrupted.

Backwater Valve Installed (optional):
Although installing a backwater valve is completely optional, we highly recommend NOT skipping this step. Backwater valves help to prevent sewage water from the city from coming into your home and potentially flooding your basement in the future. Learn about subsidy programs offered to residential homeowners for Halton Region.

Gravel - Concrete is Re-Poured, and Finished:
Gravel is poured over the pipe and around the sump pump liner and concrete is re-poured and smoothed out to match the existing floor. The waterproofing process is now complete and our crew will concentrate on replacing any obstacles, furniture, etc.

Obstacles are Re-Connected:
Any obstacles which were disconnected (I.E. Hot Water Tank), will be re-connected before leaving the job site, either by Basement Technologies or a third party.

Site Cleanup:
The site is cleaned up and swept with any debris removed and taken away.

Interior De-Watering Warranty »

  • 15-Year Warranty without a Sump Pump Installed
  • 25-Year Warranty WITH a Sump Pump Installed

Click here to get your home estimate, or CALL: 905-527-3325 today to book an appointment.


In-Home Waterproofing Estimate
or CALL: 905-527-3325 for your FREE ESTIMATE.


Interior De-Watering Requires a Building Permit & Architectual Drawing



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Excellent and quite professional. Great work.

RATING 10/10 ~ Mr. McMahon (Oakville, ON)

Ed was calm, cool and knowledgable. Did not push.

RATING 9/10 ~ Mr. Mountford (Hamilton, ON)



Interior De-Watering Warranty


In-Home Waterproofing Estimate
or CALL: 905-527-3325 for your FREE ESTIMATE.


Interior De-Watering Service Area

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