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BT Ecofloor Sub-Floor Service

Ecofloor Installation Services

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An Ecofloor is a unique dimpled plastic membrane that is thermal formed with thousands of shock absorbing feet which is installed on your basement floor.

Ecofloor Systems Service Icon Ecofloor Sub-Floor

Ecofloor Damp Floor System
Ecofloor is designed to transform cold, hard, damp concrete slabs (i.e. your basement floor) into warm, ergonomically correct, dry floors.

Constructed from high density polyethylene, Ecofloor creates a thermal break, a vapor equalization medium and a capillary break between the cold damp concrete and your indoor living space.

The result is a warm, dry and healthy flooring surface that interrupts the favored environment of mould and becomes an integral part of your entire basement "Ecosystem".

Ecofloor Sub-Floor Service Images:

Ecofloor Sub-Floor Service Process:

Floor is Prepared and Cleaned:
The floor is prepared by removing all baseboards and cleaning the area being installed. If there's an existing flooring system, this existing floor will need to be removed prior to installing the new Ecofloor sub-floor system.

Ecofloor Rolled Out on Top of the Concrete Floor:
The Ecofloor is rolled out onto the basement floor and cut to fit in place. Lengths of Ecofloor are overlapped using the flat tab found on one end of each roll.

Plywood Laid Over Top of the Ecofloor:
Plywood or Oriented strand board is then laid and cut to fit over top of the Ecofloor. This process continues until the entire floor is covered.

Floor is Fastened to the Concrete Floor Beneath:
The entire assembly is drilled and fastened to the floor using concrete fasteners. These fasteners hold the system in place so that flooring can be added on top of the EcoFloor system.

Ecofloor Sub-Floor Warranty »

  • 5-Year workmanship guarantee

Click here to get your home estimate, or CALL: 905-527-3325 today to book an appointment.

Ecofloor Sub-Floor PROS:

  • Instant dryness and comfort
  • Capillary break prevents carpet rot
  • Lowers relative humidity by providing vapor equalization medium
  • Provides a healthy walking or working surface
  • Makes it possible to create an entire internal envelope

Ecofloor Sub-Floor CONS:

  • Floor finishing's must be removed prior to install
  • Some old concrete slabs will not hold fasteners
  • If there is a sewer backup or basement flood, this product will not help you and is not a substitute for waterproofing


In-Home Waterproofing Estimate
or CALL: 905-527-3325 for your FREE ESTIMATE.



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I really appreciated how hard everyone worked and they kept me updated on the progress. Very polite. Great workers and great experience.

RATING 10/10 ~ Ms. Marques (Hamilton, ON)

Dream Team is an accurate description.

RATING 10/10 ~ Mr. Donlevy (Oakville, ON)



Ecofloor Sub-Floor Warranty


In-Home Waterproofing Estimate
or CALL: 905-527-3325 for your FREE ESTIMATE.


Ecofloor Sub-Floor Service Area

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