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BT Window Well Installation

Window Well Repair Services

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Window wells, when installed below grade on the exterior of a home, must be drained. In the absence of drainage, window wells fill up with water like an aquarium and then leaks into the basement through the window frame.

Window Well Installation Service Icon Protect Your Windows from Water Damage:

Window wells, when installed below grade on the exterior of a home, must include a working drainage system. In the absence of drainage window wells fill up with water like an aquarium. Since windows are designed to shed water (like a roof shingle) instead of being water proof (like an aquarium), when the window well fills, the water simply pours through the seals of the window and into the basement.

Window Well Install Service Images:

Window Well Install Service Process:

Excavation of Window Well:
Excavation is performed from the window well right down to the weeping tile. The weeping tile is located beside the house footing, below the level of the basement floor slab on the exterior.

Weeping Tile Flush Test:
A weeping tile test is performed to ensure that it is draining. It would not make sense to install a window well drain pipe down to a weeping tile drain that is non-functional.

Liquid Rubber is Applied:
Liquid rubber is applied to the exposed wall to seal it if there is a crack or other damage.

Dimpled Sheet Air-Gap Membrane:
If liquid rubber is needed (in the step above) we also provide a redundant protection layer with a dimpled sheet air-gap membrane which provides hydrostatic pressure relief.

PVC Drainout Installed:
A 4" rigid PVC drain pipe with drain grate is installed that extends from the top of the weeping tile or gravel drainage layer, to approximately 4" below the height of the window sill.

Window Well Installed:
A window well is then installed in the appropriate position and fastened to the wall with concrete screws to ensure it does not move out of place.

Backfill Added to the Dig::
The excavated area is backfilled with native soil, but not filled right to the top to allow for drainage gravel. Extra backfill is removed and disposed of by Basement Technologies®.

Drainage Gravel is Poured:
Gravel is poured inside the window well to facilitate drainage into the newly installed drain pipe. This allows any water to freely enter the drain pipe and leave the window well.

Window Well Install Warranty »

  • 5-Year workmanship guarantee
  • Window well manufacturer's warranty

Click here to get your home estimate, or CALL: 905-527-3325 today to book an appointment.

Window Well Install PROS:

  • Interior finishing's are not harmed
  • Can be combined with exterior foundation waterproofing as the area is already being excavated

Window Well Install CONS:

  • If weeping tile fails drainage test, additional work will be necessary to provide a drainage point for the window well drain pipe
  • Some minor landscaping repairs may be necessary following repair
  • Gravel may need to be topped up following settlement


In-Home Waterproofing Estimate
or CALL: 905-527-3325 for your FREE ESTIMATE.



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John arrived promptly. He actually called 30 minutes before hand to let me know he was on the way. He answered all my questions clearly and with patience.

RATING 10/10 ~ Mr. Mullen (Burlington, ON)

Terrific. Terrific Crew.

RATING 10/10 ~ Mr. Curtin (Oakville, ON)



Window Well Install Warranty


In-Home Waterproofing Estimate
or CALL: 905-527-3325 for your FREE ESTIMATE.


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