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Carbon Fibre Crack Repair Services

Home » Foundation Repair »  Crack Injection »  Carbon Fibre Crack Repair

Basement Technologies® installs carbon fibre staples over the existing concrete crack injection to ensure that the foundation is stabilized and structurally strong.

Carbon Fibre Crack Injection Icon Epoxy Crack Injection + Carbon Fibre Staples

The most effective way to repair a crack is by injecting the crack from the inside with an Epoxy based solution while also stabilizing the foundation crack by installing Carbon Fibre Staples.

Carbon Fibre Staples:
With the installation of Carbon Fibre Staples, the load is distributed evenly along the repaired crack. By cross-stitching the repaired crack, any displacement from hydrostatic pressure and/or shifting soil will have no effect on the repaired crack itself.

Window Well Repairs:
We at Basement Technologies® highly recommend the installation of Carbon Fibre Staples with all crack injection repairs that occur below or beside existing basement windows. More than 50% of all crack repairs happen at the base of a homeowner's basement window. This occurs due to the structural weakness around the window well. Freezing ground water will push the window cut out to the point of fracturing, thus causing a cracked foundation to occur over time.

Our trained specialists will inject the cracked area around your window while also increasing the structural integrity near the window through the installation of our Carbon Fibre Staples.

Carbon Fibre Crack Injection Service Process:

Epoxy Crack Injection Process:
This is a two-step process. First, we inject the crack location with our Epoxy Crack Injection solutions. Steps on how we perform a regular concrete crack injection can be found here. Once complete, we then continue on to install Carbon Fibre Staples over the repaired crack.

Slots are Grinded:
Small slots are grinded on both sides of the crack, to ensure the carbon fibre staple is firmly in place.

Installation of the Carbon Fibre Staple:
Once slots are made, our specialist then places the carbon fibre staples along the crack. Typical installations include 2-4 staples depending on the severity of the foundation issues.

Epoxy Hardening Solution:
In order to ensure that the staple never moves again we paste a specially formulated epoxy based solution over the entire carbon fibre staple. Once cured, this will guarantee that the staples do not move for the life of the foundation.

Concrete Crack Injection Warranty »

  • 20-Year Basement Technologies® no leak warranty
  • Fully transferable warranty
  • Guaranteed not to leak

Carbon Fibre Crack Repair Warranty »

  • LIFETIME - Fortress Stabilization Manufacturer's Warranty
  • 4x Carbon Fibre Stabilization Staples
  • Staples Applied Overtop of Existing Epoxy Crack Injection
  • Foundation Guaranteed not to Move
  • Foundation Crack Guaranteed not to Shift Further
  • Foundation Crack Stabilized, Structure Stabilized

Click here to get your free crack repair estimate, or CALL: 905-527-3325 today to book an appointment.


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or CALL: 905-527-3325 for your FREE ESTIMATE.



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first injection thought was a little high, second injection was ok.

RATING 10/10 ~ Mr. Brown (Ancaster, ON)

All aspects of the job beat the competition. I have already recommended your company to other friends.

RATING 10/10 ~ Mr. Patridge (Ancaster, ON)




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or CALL: 905-527-3325 for your FREE ESTIMATE.


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