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Emecole Epoxy & Thixopaste Warranty

Emecole 101 Epoxy & 302 Thixopaste Warranty Info

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Read about Emecole 101 Epoxy Crack Injection Solution & 302 Thixopaste Surface Bond Warranty Information. Downloadable data sheets are available. Information and logos provided within this section are subject to copyright/trademark of said companies.

Manufacturer Products

Emecole, Inc. Warranty

Emecole, Inc.
Low/Medium/High Viscosity Epoxy - 101


  • Our original Emecole epoxy formula.
  • Emecole 101 will create an extremely strong, watertight foundation crack repair when cured.
  • Packaged in 2:1, 16oz dual tubesets.
  • Emecole 101 Epoxy is available in multiple viscosities.
  • Low Viscosity (LV) - A thickness like water for very thin hairline cracks.
  • Medium Viscosity (MV) - For cracks 1/64" to 1/32" in width
  • High Viscosity (HV) - Used in cracks from 1/32" to 1/4"
  • Cures to a solid within a few hours.
Emecole - 101 Epoxy Crack Injection

Recommendations concerning the performance or use of this product are based upon independent test reports believed to be reliable. If the product is proven to be defective, at the option of the Manufacturer, it will be either replaced or the purchase price refunded. The Manufacturer will not be liable in excess of the purchase price. The user will be responsible for deciding if the product is suitable for his application and will assume all risk associated with the use of the product. This warranty is in lieu of any other warranty expressed or implied, including but not limited to an implied warranty of merchantability or an implied warranty of fitness for a particular use.

Emecole, Inc.
301 - Thixopaste Bonding Solution


  • Emecole 302 Original Surface Seal has a low odor compared to other mercaptan based surface seals and cures to a hard solid.
  • Injection can begin 30 to 60 minutes after being applied to cracks depending on temperature.
  • Available to contractors in cases of six, 22oz. 1:1 ratio dual tube sets.
  • Used over cracked foundation to inject epoxy solution
Emecole - 301 Thixopaste Bonding Solution

Recommendations concerning the performance or use of this product are based upon independent test reports believed to be reliable. If the product is proven to be defective, at the option of the Manufacturer, it will be either replaced or the purchase price refunded. The Manufacturer will not be liable in excess of the purchase price. The user will be responsible for deciding if the product is suitable for his application and will assume all risk associated with the use of the product. This warranty is in lieu of any other warranty expressed or implied, including but not limited to an implied warranty of merchantability or an implied warranty of fitness for a particular use.

Please download the 302 Thixopaste DATA SHEET PDF document provided by Emecole, Inc.

Emecole, Inc. - Company Info

  • Company: Emecole, Inc.
  • Address: 50 E. Montrose Dr., Romeoville, Il. 60446
  • Contact: 1-800-844-2713
  • Website:

NOTICE: All Manufacturer product warranties, and information detailed within this section are the sole © copyright / ™ trademark of each company and their products.